Payment Information

The links below provide information on getting paid for officiating in Broward County.
ALL BFOA MEMBERS MUST complete the two forms (ACH Direct Deposit Authorization and W-9 Form) that are required for all Broward public school payments. Once you have successfully submitted these forms you will be issued a personal VENDOR NUMER that you will list when submitting a VENDOR SHEETS on game day at the venue. Payments from all public school venues will come in the form of a direct deposit your the bank account you specify within two weeks. It is IMPERATIVE, and each individual official is responsible for turning in a vendor sheet on game day at all public school venues. Vendor sheets are not required or used at private school venues.

Private School venues vary, each has their own unique requirements governing how officials are paid.
Officials are advised to comply with whatever is requested when working these venues in order to get paid. Generally this entails completing some sort of sign-in form, and possibly a new W-9 for the venue's use once a year. Payments for these assignments generally will come by mail directly to the address you specify via paper check. Or you will be issued a paper check on-site the day of the game.

Two Private School venues, Chaminade and Calvary Christian use Arbiter Pay
These two venues
REQUIRE officials to create an Arbiter Pay account. Game fees for assignments worked at these two venue are deposited into your Arbiter Pay account. All officials assigned to either of these schools must setup an Arbiter Pay account in advance of their game. Information on how to create an Arbiter Pay account is noted below.

Public Schools - ALL Venues

  • NEW MEMBERS - (click here) for first time signup to get paid for officiating at Broward Public Schools

  • ACH Direct Deposit Form and W-9 Tax Form

  • RETURNING MEMBERS - (click here) if you are already in the system, and just need to UPDATE banking information

  • ACH Direct Deposit Form CHANGE


  • Sign-in onsite the day of the game, and complete any forms the venue requests.

  • Three private schools are now using Arbiter Pay, officials MUST have an Arbiter Pay account to get their money.

ARBITER PAY - Chaminade, Calvary, and St Thomas